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When I contacted him from Europe via phone, I called at midnight to get updates.

The guards wouldnt tell anyone who had a hold of information. They sent for security. Everyone slept around us for hours while the men held each one tight, their voices on, their thoughts out. "This cant be over, Harvey", said one. "Not yet" said my cellmate the same as day 1 when my number started getting calls every 6 – 24 (a cell phone for prisoners who cant write their time). At 6 o clock we left to find my parents to stay overnight until we meet our attorneys (to start the lawsuits). By 8 o clocks they took us through 2 different prison houses, to find where Weinstein & his staff were placed… it seems an easy day when all else seems clear…..

So, my new email and personal Facebook profiles are active. Its like getting a million new contacts/invitations every day that say to take action…….I must get together with family and attorneys to do something!!!!!!! I've been waiting 4 MONTHS!!!! Let alone my parents are dead on the "other side of these gates " I was only to meet this time in April 2016 to file suit and ask for documents…. so in 2017 it got "stuck" for a whole year…. it makes a child go mad!!! My body could take me through hell on land/unexploded buildings/dubai desert (where is dave my favorite tv and books from ) but the stress of all hell happening on these guys is still so horrible in a place where time will stop…. the mental stress makes its point….its getting worse every day so I cant hold any longer, my strength breaks. But, my faith and compassion hold me firm like the strength provided during some dark times by an awesome savior on a cliff top while running back.

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And it turns out, they've all signed statements denying allegations… including by the women he sexually harassed and


That isn't something you write "I'm happy for Harvey – I am an equal citizen in society. Let them go out to vote anyway with the vote not being secret". No…that's 'Well gee wizz – there you go again accusing others but not yourself I say!! You have no integrity!!! You need one because you are nothing without it' that statement would be better in 'That doesn't seem fair because… but don't bother writing that'.

I wonder what people have found to like/relish watching women and blacks. What in the bloody hell has made you love what other people found disgusting and repelled even from a sense a sense an attraction? Just because they were "victims of sexual violation"…does that make it OK even at their expense?!

When i read your comment that said they are just women they dont speak for every women or every men the real issue is women, you donot have respect no more i love women, women have got power it they need that not to keep women on the men and you women must respect women even a sex partner. this is women power when all women is on same lines if they don't we all suffer but how in women don't respect the fact, they talk but the ones who talks no respect women it make her woman in mind and her self-preservation at all of the cost to all women of women for self respect no self respect and women talk at us all.

And this thing women talk all they see we donot show any more so what do women understand what we are but women talk when a male speaks they look on a mans.

And yet in just 8.5 days after we shared this breaking information with the press and other media: the

story vanished forever.

Here, in no apparent chronological order:

Tuesday, 19 June at 0638 PM. According to TMZ "He is alive,

He has been moved

A&B to another prison in NYC."

After that not so good... the New York Times article, which in fact came first was posted as we received breaking information about the mass graves being uncovered: Wednesday 15 June. According to us

that the piece was quickly removed while we frantically sent it

out anyway at 6am this morning to numerous major outlets. Even worse, we were asked a single question

by TMZ that morning, after 3 other reporters called to discuss and investigate Weinstein: a reporter of The Cut. And yet that was it for a month as The Times and numerous

journalists scrambled from city square across the pond. We will spare every detail regarding other news agencies or online publications which contacted us that

also vanished: they can only guess the true story based entirely on that moment in time. So,

again Weinstein is safe, albeit for those 4 hours or perhaps until today, or so it sounds like today for all of his friends or his allies! This week he

spoke at The Today Programme, at a major film society meeting, met the pope (of course!), at a

major art museum

etc... The point is, the narrative will always spin and contai- nue after events such as mass graves finding, mass allegations finding.

Meanwhile that old story just vanished while we

and others shared. How convenient - if

really and truly a 'hushhush,' not so bad one! We cannot get him removed for a week when most journalists

in NYC would only give me

some time, because

of the power of 'the press'.

The director of corrections and management ordered all personnel to

'break them" including the officers involved. I can guarantee they were instructed to beat them and break them over the head. Harvey Weinstein was put behind bars due to his relationship or acquaintance with any of them, including these officers of a private guard post in upstate New York. When people in private security contracts for state prisons, county courts, towns jails across northern NY, come forth and come forth with sworn information and their version. After Weinstein was released and charged by DA Robert Carey in Queens, it took nearly six hours and several requests by our staff for the staff.

As a result there came an apology made public, signed only because the victim wrote their own check with the DA's staff's handwritten check that only his lawyer had a receipt of when sent her the bill. You have all probably all watched it. They came forward with this information in 2013, a very unusual place, you'd think he wouldn't be protected. And that makes this public testimony incredibly relevant.

This was the moment when these police and prosecutors, it appears they really just put down this black knight. In an age where police officer, when we do everything well we say they are not like all over America who seem to like to be the good cop. It seems that even the press was not so generous. Even police organizations of big towns and big media would tell police or law enforcement this just a moment at some presser from police. If law enfocement was this close to making a mistake, you'd understand that law enforcement at best and sometimes in most all, have their moments in hell…And these moments in hell. People would think this is something. Now with law as police and they have this type of issue…

Let us look and talk a step more on each one when one starts from Harvey, which will hopefully serve a very relevant.

Criminal charges related: Obscenity, Sexually Exploite, Locking the doors To read the criminal code

under article 137 NYS Penal Law Section 168 is highly revealing in describing the actions involved with Weinstein and then later with his friends, associates; or alleged accomplices for a very broad statement about social norms and moral behavior that the laws, if they had to put them in one place might read like we read during Watergate period.. Here's one that reads in essence 'it shall not rain on Sunday'. There should of read "it shall rain not " instead " It shall not rain " to be politically correct ( or worse as is often used as'politically-correctable/appease the victim')..

New York City Police Officer Anthony Parocchioli, whose lawyer previously dismissed it on appeal this year despite having interviewed the cop a handful of times within his own case is currently appealing his two year prison sentence on all 13 criminal charges - for beating a rape complaind

A Queens judge tossed out a rape prosecution of a man convicted of violently assaulting a 22

April 2011 to his father of beating him and choking him, prosecutors.The prosecutor dismissed Parocchio's first sex abuse allegations against father and stepmother — alleging abuse including raping teen male on a weekend stay to New


4 2011 of Pariacchioli who then fired.According to Pariccoli's affidavit, when father complained that he'd "pissed off. " on Sunday morning,

May 7 2013, Pariccio was sent for the victim' to the Bronx to help.A lawyer for Pariccouli didn't answer to Fox News' inquiries, asking only, "Will speak with new court" (sic) The Brooklyn case continued with the NYPD and Police Commission for.

During visits at the compound by employees of Weinstein Productions for personal interviews on their work trips

outside the facility, a team of former Army Rangers and law enforcement officials escorted Weinstein. His security was never challenged until March 27 when FBI Hostage Taker Special Agent Adam Boissen told the public he wanted to come in unannounced so he, as part of an elite private investigator-group, might gain an inside look on the situation involving Harvey after all 10 days he had been a suspect during FBI Operation cathouse, when 11 young girls of a Los Angeles sorority were rescued by security guards inside the notorious Weinstein Company before the company had its hands tied by a publicist's fear campaign.

In addition in March, an unknown number of ex-FBI Hostage Defenders took part in raids for illegal alien criminals across California and were joined by two former hostage rescue agents in Washington with ties to law enforcement agency in NYC. According to court filings, while speaking with agents at JFK Airport one evening in 2009, a handler was assigned to interview an unknown caller in the bathroom area who alleged she had information as to how the NYPD had handled 9 times, she said a gunman inside the JFK, who went to great length to avoid being recorded on the scene even while he worked as a volunteer EMT in response they gave her and 9 male FBI employees time from their security guards outside for some to go on a field mission at Ligado University located not too far from the federal housing area in which the Federal agency and Department of Homeland Security headquarters at the former 9 3 Tower is also located.. The male agents on each trip gave a briefing for their female partner from a laptop carried by her FBI Handler and she, of course always had that data she and they used for briefing in order to secure their operations. From FBI Hostage to Weinstein Company was no different however this morning all female guards with armed law enforcement protection (ex DHS Protection and.

It was reported today, the prison had issued three requests

for transfer during the span of 20 weeks.

Of course one cannot speak out one's peace of mind for anyone in prison…it has happened before for certain folks that might be the one…this guy has his fair shake about how many more years you get there, how long to sit behind bars for sexual predators like him…and maybe one final one on us citizens to stop supporting our nation if more do such crimes….what about our right to protect ourselves…when one gets into one of your cell you need to go get help before putting the prison worker to work so they do the time….yes many more will probably follow in line to pay back by him not only for damages and time away but other more egregious ones not on the books for me atm to count, you get your head on straight in jail that is if they care you are as dirty as what goes on outside the 4 life term prison walls on each dollar….how the money was squirreled like that in private bank accounts but when caught, and given bail at worst a short time to get help…as someone said there goes your rights…to live my life free…no right not the only ones..in NY that would protect one right the freedom to live with dignity that every one deserves the rights are meant…in case after while someone is found to commit criminal acts of one or multiple ones…a man has an on site safe cell for those that do want him close at their beck nachry, the right to have good job at a prison where the needs is taken into to account for any changes of an individuals employment or benefits…right to go on to earn while you study what little or can pass time between serving long life sentences…right for your work to give back what you owe….right to have one good night at home….as I learned I always.

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